Haras de Montmal
27800Le Bec Hellouin
Tarifs 2025 (TTC)
Tarifs :
Pension Simple 500€ (TVA 5,5%)
Pension Complète 700€ (TVA5,5%)
Pension Valorisation - Sport 840€ (TVA 20%)
Cotisation annuelle/cheval 80€
Tonte 50€ (TVA 5,5%)
Location tondeuse 25€ (TVA 20%)
Mise au paddock 5€ (TVA 5,5%)
Longe 10€ (TVA 5,5%)
Travail du Cheval 30€/séance (TVA 5,5%)
Location carrière/manège 20€ (TVA5,5%)
Location Spring Garden 25€ (TVA 5,5%)
Cours particuliers CSO/Dressage 50€, si propriétaire 40€ (TVA 5,5%)
Cours particulier Cross 55€, si propriétaire 40€ (TVA 5,5%)
Coaching journée CCE 80€ (TVA 5,5%)
Coaching CSO reconnaissance + détente 20€ (TVA 5,5%)
Description de nos offres d'hébergement et de travail concernant les prestations les plus courantes, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter pour une étude personnalisée.
Services :
Box lodging pension with work :
Your horse is housed on a shavings bedding within the stable facilities; a feed is distributed three times a day as well as a morning and evening distribution of hay. The team manages in consultation with the owner the paddock outings and the work of the horse. The rider may use all the infrastructure of the stables (indoor and outdoor careers, spring garden, lunging ring, shower) to care for and ride his horse in a professional environment. A tack room is available for the rider's equipment. The pension includes one riding lesson per week from Sébastien Cavaillon or Julie Bordenave.
Box lodging pension without work :
Your horse is housed on a shavings bedding within the stable facilities; a feed is distributed three times a day as well as a morning and evening distribution of hay. The team manages in consultation with the owner the paddock outings.
The rider may use all the infrastructure of the stables (indoor and outdoor careers, spring garden, lunging ring, shower) to care for and ride his horse in a professional environment. A tack room is available for the rider's equipment. The pension includes one riding lesson per week from Sébastien Cavaillon or Julie Bordenave.
Private lessons (external riders) :
Our state-certified professional riders guide the rider during a session to perfect the technique of dressage or jumping (CSO and Cross). They observe the behavior of the horse and give keys to allow a better functioning of the couple rider / horse. The rider leaves with good practices to apply in his future work sessions with his horse and in competition.
Competition coaching :
Depending on the competitions, our state-certified professional riders accompany the rider on the competition events with advice during all three tests. They carry out a follow-up of the courses and a debriefing.